
Pi IO and process control with C

The natural language for a small Linux controller, like a Raspberry Pi, is C — especially when it comes to process control using Pi’s GPIO (general purpose input and output) to control actuators and read sensors. This we and others did with good success. See the publication or the SVN repo. One part of the success story is using Joan N.N.’s C pigpio library with its daemon/server approach.

Java on the Pi

Nevertheless, some people would like to use Java on a Pi, too. That’s not a problem. You can have a Java 8 on a Pi 3 and even have Frame4J installed and enjoy all the tools etc.

Problems start — on any platform by the way — when wanting process control with Java. To get the know how for Raspberry Pi I ported a rasProject_01 C demo program rdGnPiGpioDBlink.c. All of a sudden I had a growing project and a German publication on Java Magazin.

Native (JNI) or pure Java

The C program uses the pigpio library in the daemon/server variant and a Linux C lock file standard procedure to force control programs using process IO (and optionally the Pi watch-dog) singleton, as well as shutdown hooks to leave process IO in an inactive safe state. The little demo shows process IO (by three LEDs) as well as professional approaches. Well, the little demo does not use the watch-dog, as do the real control programs. (See all in above mentioned publication). rdGnPiGpioDBlink.c with all its behaviour was ported to (source).

For the IO part this very first port uses a part of Neil Kolban’s library that also uses pigpio’s socket interface. Hence we have all the advantages of Joan N.N.’s approach. Additionally Neil Kolban’s library includes among others also a JNI implementation plus its C layer for pigpiod’s non socket interface pigpiod. These extras obfuscate and complicate things a bit, and the library is nowhere written with the aspect of avoiding throw away objects.

Considering that and some other points a compact pure Java solution to connect to the pigpioD socket interface was implemented and – in between – made an integral part of Frame4J. That means no matter if on a PC, Laptop, server or on a Pi one has Pi IO with Java – be the IO on a PI (with the control application) itself or on any (other) Pi in the same (private) [W]LAN. The application TestOnPi let you show or test binary input and output, PWM and servos on all IO pins of a Pi.

Side problems with Java GPIO or process control

Incompatible file lock

An immediate problem that had to be solved in the light of porting “all its behaviour” was implementing the lock file approach (for singleton use of process IO and watch-dog) established in all our control installations with Raspberries and consorts. It turned out that locking a random access file fully and exclusively with Java (java.nio.channels.FileLock) on a Linux system is incompatible with Linux C file locking by flock() — the standard approach on Linux. From all C programmes or program instances (processes) competing for one lock file the first would win and the others would have to end or wait. The same can be said of all Java program instances using java.nio.channels.FileLock — but even if a C program has a lock (flock()) on the very same file.

This violation of the singleton use of certain process resources when having control programs in Java, too, is, of course, not acceptable. This problem had to be solved before releasing Java to a real life control module. You can’t allow the process control program going in cyclic run mode while a Java calibration / service application (e.g.) is touching parts of the sensors or actuators.

The compatible solution are two lock methods (openLock() and closeLock) in Frame4J: de.weAut.PiUtil using a C helper program justLock. Running this little program (justLock) directly and the Java application JustNotFLock at the same time will demonstrate the double lock on the same file.

Throw away objects

With OO languages and Java the garbage collector is widely seen as a risk for a real time behaviour otherwise assessed theoretically and experimentally. A WG on automating critical processes with OO languages demanded no objects to be created while in cyclic run mode. Even if one would perhaps not be such strict, it is a good principle. It relieves you from the risks of garbage collection and of memory administration.

And all demo examples here and the corresponding Java applications adhere to it. Mutable classes are used instead of making new immutable objects, like StringBuilder en lieu de String and (own) Container classes instead of Long.

By constantly using mutable objects garbage collection and memory allocation etc. go out of the job. But, the widely used Linux approach “file as device” does not go well with Java. The listing (excerpt from Pi1WireThDemo) shows one reading of a 1-wire thermometer. They are available in a stainless casing, too, and, by standard dimensions, suitable for boilers, e.g..

  String line1;
  String line2;
  final String devID = args[0]; // 28-02119245cd92 e.g.
  BufferedReader thermometer; 
  File  thermPath = new File(
    "/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/" + devID + "/w1_slave");
  for(;runningOn;) { // cyclic run mode
    thermometer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(thermPath));
    line1 = thermometer.readLine();
    line2 = thermometer.readLine();
    // Auswertung

The 1-wire Linux device (as file) driver yields one reading as two text lines [sic!]. Having read them the file closes automatically. Hence, opening that file has to go in the endless loop, hinting the cyclic run mode. Every reading thus makes:

  • 1 BufferedReader,
  • 1 FileReader and indirectly
  • 1 FileInputStream,
  • 1 FileDescriptor etc. plus finally
  • 2 String objects.

We have at least, 6 objects per temperature reading. By using a byte array and spoiling all readability only the Reader and the Strings could be avoided. Of course, a thermometer would seldom be read more than once per second. But imagine such thing in a 10ms or in an 1ms cycle on a little (embedded) computer.

The Pi (BCM) watchdog, also implemented as device as file, is in this aspect much better: The dog — i.e. with Java his OutputStream — stays open for writing all the time. Here we are lucky. But, alas, we have no influence on device drivers deeply embedded in the OS.


Find most of the sources on the GitHub repository weAut which mirrors parts of the larger SVN development repositories essential for this project. For comments and issues on this project use this post’s comment function, which by the way is a GitHub issue.