Today (13.10.2020) I discovered getopt_long accepting abbreviations of long options. If your struct option (getopt.h) defines an option cons it will be triggered by --cons --con --co but not by --c.

As a developer of reliable and safe automation systems I couldn’t help considering this as a potentially dangerous bug. Accordingly, I was shocked by my discovery. Consider an option --destroyMyShipInSightOfEnemy triggered by innocent --de.

What the manual says

Further reading revealed the manual saying
“Long option names may be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique or is [not?] an exact match for some defined option.”

Hence, people, being able to read would have known and not having had to “discover” it. Well, the manual won’t say that a one letter abbreviation won’t suffice.

What others say

Still further reading showed that other colleagues consider accepting abbreviations by default as bug, too. And the glibc developers, constantly, won’t accept the criticism.

Remedies found are:

  1. On the place acting upon the option get the triggering option by ‘'’argv[optind-1]’’’ and check if it is the full one.
  2. Switch to another library and function instead of getopt_long().

So it is good to have solutions at hand; but I didn’t like both.
Solution 2 would change all own code handling options. And leaving the main stream (getopt.h) means loosing a broad recognition of the semantic at first sight.
Solution 1 is OK in this respect. But is separates the prohibiting of abbreviating a certain option from its definition in the struct option. Additionally one has to repeat the option string in question prepended by two Minus there. If one changes an option (from besilent to beSilent, e.g.) one has to remember that a string has to changed consistently on a very other place.
And, when user/customer uses --besilent=stupid syntax, the approach may fail with rejecting a correct full option.

My solution

Behind options not to be abbreviated I put a pseudo option one character shorter, guiding to the help. An exemplary struct option excerpt shows how:

static struct option longOptions[] = {
  {"help",  no_argument,         NULL, 'h'},
  {"noWD",  no_argument, &useWatchdog, OFF}, // no watchdog (default)
  {"useWD", no_argument, &useWatchdog,  ON}, // don't forget to trigger
  {"useW",  no_argument,         NULL, 'h'}, // block abbreviation

  {"DCF77", no_argument,         NULL, 640}, // DCF77 decoder
  {"DCF7",  no_argument,         NULL, 'h'}, // block abbreviation
//{"DCF7_", no_argument,         NULL, 'h'}, // also works
  {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} // longOptions end marker
}; // struct option (getopt.h)